Double feature – One night in: with pickledfeet videos

The french lieutenants woman (1981) by Karel Reisz


Eventually Charles Henry Smithson (Jeremy Irons) reaches light and relief after struggeling through the long dark tunnel of a proscribed, forbidden and lost love to Sarah (Meryl Streep), whereas his impersonator Mike synchronistically reverses backwards into the same tragic tunnel loosing himself in a secret film-set love affair with the leading actress and impersonator of Sarah, Anna.


La bestia uccide a sangre freddo (1971) by Fernando di Leo
aka: Slaughter hotel or The cold blooded beast


The asylum for the rich and naughty ones. Husbands in despair. One after the other drops off their spoiled wives at the idyllic italian sanatorium hotel, in good hope for a long stay (rather than cure). And why would anybody like to leave a paradise, where a wooden but surprisingly sensitive Dr. Francis Clay (Klaus Kinski) slaloms virtuously through the ladies, cat-eye nurse Helen (Monika Strebel) takes good care of her lonely protective(s) and a well shaped gardener (John Ely) seducively swings his huge scythe in the rose garden?

both films seen at: pickledfeet private video collection

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