Double feature: One night in: with pickledfeet videos

Macchie solari (1975) by Armando Crispino
aka: Autopsy


A dangerous heat wave hits Rome and drives its citizens into awkward hallucinations and mysterious suicides. Nobody can escape it, and certainly not Simona (Mimsy Farmer), who, struggling with her thesis about suicide and its “inscenations”, is constantly confronted with the numerous tragically deformed victims. It doesn’t help her wellbeing of course, that suddenly a couple of quite frightening incidents start to happen in her very own and private environment, and some of these pressumed suicides seem to have had some rather external “helping” hands…

Malenka (1969) by Amando de Ossorio


When Sylvia (Anita Ekberg) unexpectedly inherits a medieval castle of her long dead mother, nothing and nobody can keep her from running along and receiving this very pleasant surprise. And there is no reason why she should hesitate. Her “uncle” (which uncle?) welcomes her not only with open arms, but he is also very eager and impatient to execute the inheritance as soon as possible. But to her surprise there are some quite peculiar duties she has to full fill hand in hand (neck to neck) with her new life as a countess.

seen at: pickledfeet private videothek

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